Guillotine cutter, also known as lever cutters, provide an easy solution to cutting 15 sheets of paper or more at a time. Higher in cutting capacity than the majority of rotary trimmers, the guillotine cutters allow for increased efficiency in cutting applications. Guillotine cutters are ideal for cutting materials such as paper, photographs, cardstock and more. Personal cutters have the ability to cut through paper and photographs and have a cutting capacity up to 15 sheets of paper in a single cut. Professional cutters are heavier duty than personal guillotine cutters, have the ability to cut through paper, photographs, cardstock and illustration paper and have a cutting capacity of up to 15 sheets of paper in a single cut. Premium cutters are designed to withstand heavy duty applications and is not limited to the thickness of cardstock and illustration paper, but can also cut through matboard and up to 35 sheets of paper with ease and precision.
Lamination King offers a variety of trimmers to fit the various applications. If you have questions or need customer service, please contact our customer service line at 1-866-227-4316.